Sunday 12 December 2010


The organisers of the recently held G20 Summit held in Seoul, South Korea decided to design models of the 20 leaders attending the summit and then mount them on a tiered cake-like pedestal. The figures were designed clad in their national dress. They got it wrong!
Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard was depicted in traditional Austrian Dress-the dirndl. One would think that with all the information readily available these sort of mistakes would not be made, especially for an event as high profile as this. We are used to laughing at Asian English translations that fail miserably, why do they get it so horribly wrong. Surely they have access to English speakers, and in this case the Australian diplomatic services in their country. Truly baffling!

Have a look at Jacob Zuma, South Africa's President, who is that? If it wasn't for the flag you would never making the connection. 

They also have Obama immediately behind the Saudi representative(Foreign Minister) and immediately left of the Turkish Prime Minister. Are they not aware of the the right wing campaign in the US trying to assert that Obama is Muslim and sympathetic to Islam?

The observations I make here are not huge issues in the great scheme of things, but is does make you wonder how much thought is put into these things.

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